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SEO Audit for Your Website

A website audit will help you know how well your website is performing - compared to your competition - for the keywords that really matter for your business.

For a free website audit and consultation of how you can improve your online visibility, please contact us.

What is the true benefit of SEO?

Even with the influence that Social Media has on visibility, Alan still rants on about the importance of good SEO.  Keyword research is crucial if you want to know anything about your customer’s search habits and to predict their future behaviour.  We start with a list of basic keywords, and after our research we often look at the report and say “Wow…. do people really search for that!”

Keywords for niche or vertical markets

Choosing keywords to find niche markets, and how we look at our competition is critical in today’s market. Choosing the right keywords and writing about them in a user friendly way is just the start.  On-page optimisation is essential for your website to have a good presence in any search.

On-page optimisation

You can have the best looking website in the world, but if its structure in terms of accessibility for search engines, internal link structure, and many other factors like H1 headers, and duplicate content, are not up to scratch, this could be limiting your search market reach.

Monitor your competition

Competitor analysis is fascinating, looking at other sites that already rank well for chosen keywords, makes you really look at your strategy, whether it is a looking at short term or long term goals for growth, reviewing the market place helps you focus.

Is SEO something that is done once and then the magic is left to work?

One of the top selling points of SEO is it can be measured.  In fact with the correct tracking set up, systems are so sophisticated today that you can gain a great insight into exactly what your online presence is doing for you.

What is the best software for SEO tracking?

We use great software, which helps bring together all the necessary data.  This has helped us to become experts at interpreting all the data into an online marketing strategy for you.  Together with all of our general business knowledge, we can understand your business and guide you towards a successful campaign of growth online.   We produce a monthly report, which is not just full of statistics, but comes with recommendations and guidance on constant improvement.

Our passion comes from working with clients who are keen to grow, and with our guidance want to embrace today’s technology.

Website and digital marketing audit

For a free website audit and consultation of how you can improve your online visibility, please contact us, or write a comment below.

Do you know how well your website is performing?

If you are happy with your website that’s great, but if you know of someone who might need our help, why not pass this on.

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