Keywords that Bring You Business

Very often people who search for the big, ‘general’ keywords are just window shopping, so even if you get to the top of the rankings there is no guarantee they are going to buy from you.

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Why You Need to Understand the Importance of Author Rank

Google Authorship and establishing authority has been a hot topic in SEO circles since 28th August 2014 when John Mueller of Google Webmaster Tools announced in a Google+ post that Google would stop showing authorship results in Google Search.

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Salesperson or Website, which works harder?

Have you ever thought why people think they can spend £2,000 on a website and “job done!” it will miraculously generate a mountain of new business?

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Exact Match Business Domain Names

If you are starting a new venture, or a new division of your existing business, or perhaps you are rethinking the whole of your marketing strategy because you have a website that is not performing, a domain name is one of the first things you should consider.

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Google Plus Influencing Search

The fact that Google+ has few users actually means very little. If you believe the reason Google is creating a social site is to improve accuracy, and to make best search engine, and to sell adverts against it, then it may make more sense.

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SEO Audit for Your Website

Choosing the right keywords and writing about them in a user friendly way is just the start. On-page optimisation is essential for your website to have a good presence in any search.

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Off-page SEO Review

What matters is volume and authority. So, find out how many links you have, and their approximate page rank. This will give you a score on your links. Also, look at what pages are getting the links; this will help you to understand what appeals and what future content should concentrate on.

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On-page SEO Review

Search Engine Optimisation is a complicated area, and we regularly get asked for a small check-list. So this could save you lots of time.

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Why (not provided) is Appearing in the Keyword List

You will have seen in your recent Google Analytics Reports that ‘(not provided)’ is appearing as one of the top results for keyword usage. This is because of a genuine attempt by Google to make your online experience secure.

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Tips on Writing for the Web

Because people read differently on the Web, writing for the Web is not the same as writing for print. Web surfers scan and jump quickly from one piece of content to the next.

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