Who is your Avatar or Ideal Client?
Every marketing strategy and communications plan is unique to that brand or product, however they all begin at the same starting point; and that is based around their ideal client, or Avatar.
Whether you set out to change the perception of your brand, generate more leads, or launch a completely new online business, the first consideration should always be to identify and understand the people you think will be the best, and most successful fit for your objective.
Why do they want what you are offering?
If you know everything about your Avatar you will understand how to communicate with them. You need to understand their pain, anxieties, worries, dreams and aspirations. Why do they want your offer, what type of course or product are they interested in, and in what format is best for them? Once you understand these things you will be equipped to help them get what they want.

It seems simple doesn’t it? However, the first thing most entrepreneurs do is think about their own idea, product, service or course. They look at the solution from their own perspective, it is easily done because it is comfortable. Then they create a fantastic product that looks great to them, they know it is needed, but then wonder why nobody wants it.
More than demographics
Identifying your Avatar is so much more than just acknowledging their demographics; it is about obtaining a deeper understanding into their behaviour, and applying empathy to your approach on how you engage with them – really putting yourself in their shoes.
I am going to share with you the process we implement with our clients to identify their unique Avatar – remember you may have more than one Avatar for your digital marketing plan, but try to hone it down as much as possible.
Download the Avatar worksheet and fill it out. You may have to do some digging and research, but this will be a very valuable document going forward.
Download the Avatar Cheat Sheet, as part of our toolkit
- Easy Cheat Sheet
- Elevate marketing strategy
- Seamlessly connect with your audience

As you will see on the worksheet, the course or product is not mentioned; it is important to be focused on the ideal Avatar, without having a product bias.
The process of identifying and creating your ideal Avatar is one that is of utmost importance. Once your customer is defined, you can dictate every aspect of the marketing strategy and campaign; from finding the strategic insight behind the campaign, to identifying the best channels to use, through to the language used to communicate with this audience.
Where to find your ideal client
Go to the places where they hang out, join social media groups where your target audience is. Firstly to observe, to see what is being talked about, to identify the pain. Then ask some questions, and help with some problems, but never sell, there will be time for that later.
What does your ideal client need and want?
What you are trying to do is to gain a deeper understanding of the Avatar, what they fear, what they need, what they want (yes there is usually a difference between want and need), and you should be thinking about how you can gear your product and the marketing of it to coincide with the thoughts of your Avatar.
You can’t force people to buy something, but if you demonstrate that you understand them, and your solution sounds like the answer to their problems, they will want to buy it.
The pain they have, their hopes and dreams, how they see the future. All of these things will dictate how you talk to your audience, and importantly, what mental triggers will make them act.
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