Due to the EU Cookie Directive that came into force in May 2012, any site that uses cookies, and assumes consent to drop these cookies, will need a notification on the site to inform the visitor that cookies are used, linking to a page that can give more information on how to remove them. This is different to the law that was proposed May 2011, so anyone who waited did the right thing. So, you need to do two things:
- Make sure your Privacy Policy includes your use of cookies, or better still have a separate page about it.
- Have a pop-up somewhere on your site that shows when people come to your website that guides them to the Cookie Policy page.
Go here and see the box on the bottom left to see what we have done on our site – flow-online.co.uk Some people believe that just having the Cookie Policy page is enough, and the 'cookie police' will be too busy to catch anyone. They may be right, but we believe that this is a small amount of money to make sure you are covered.
The Wrong Way
Some web developers and web agencies are not as ethical as others, and have used this as an opportunity to scare people into spending lots of money. One of our Online Marketing clients has a web developer who charged them £175 + VAT for a Cookie Policy page, without the pop-up. They didn't inform the client, they just did it and billed them, and what they have done is still not compliant. The client will be moving their web development over to us shortly !!
Flow Costs
We see this as a service to our clients rather than a money making exercise. So we will only charge what it costs us.
Cookie Policy page
The clients whose websites we developed will not be charged for this new page if they take the same content as we show on our website. However, if they want to provide new copy, this too will be FOC if it is simple text.
Cookie Pop-Up
We will only be charging a minimum development charge for this – £45.
If you would like more help or information on cookies, please use this contact us form.