A good website adds credibility to your business.
Have you ever thought why people think they can spend £2,000 on a website and “job done!” it will miraculously generate a mountain of new business?
Before the advent of the internet and digital marketing the only real option to generate new business would be to spend a fortune on print advertising and/or to hire a salesperson. You would be looking at an annual salary of around £20,000, plus PAYE and tax and a car and expenses… every year!
You invest both time and money into your employees to nurture and develop them so they can perform for your business, why then do you not do the same for your website? You should treat your website like a hardworking employee. If you want your website to perform and do a good job for you then you must develop it, nurture it and maintain it; in time you will see the fruits of your investment.
- You expect your employees to look smart – so should your website
- Your employees receive up to date training and input to keep abreast of your business aims and objectives – so should your website.
- You regularly review the performance of your employees – do the same for your website.
A good website adds credibility to your business, it is your ‘shop front’. Prospective customers and clients will look at your website and online presence as a part of their research and it will influence their decision over whether to use/buy from you or your competitors.
Ask us for a comprehensive review of your website. You don’t necessarily need a new website or a full re-design; subtle changes and additions can make a huge difference – changing colours, updating imagery, adding pages, jazzing up menus, or just updating text.
Social media and blogging are becoming hugely important in how your website is ranked by Google, so adding buttons that will link to your social networks is essential.
We can also carry out an SEO audit on your website; keyword research is crucial if you want to know anything about your customer’s search habits and to predict their future behaviour.
All of these things will improve the performance of your website and make it work harder for your business – just like a loyal employee.