Why You Need to Understand the Importance of Author Rank

Google Authorship and establishing authority has been a hot topic in SEO circles since 28th August 2014 when John Mueller of Google Webmaster Tools announced in a Google+ post that Google would stop showing authorship results in Google Search.

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Google Plus Influencing Search

The fact that Google+ has few users actually means very little. If you believe the reason Google is creating a social site is to improve accuracy, and to make best search engine, and to sell adverts against it, then it may make more sense.

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Beginner’s Guide to Google+ (plus)

Google+ is already influencing search results. In the past couple of years there has been a shift from SEO to Social Media to influence ‘reach’. Google is interested in ‘authorship’ rather than the ability to technically SEO a web page.

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Why (not provided) is Appearing in the Keyword List

You will have seen in your recent Google Analytics Reports that ‘(not provided)’ is appearing as one of the top results for keyword usage. This is because of a genuine attempt by Google to make your online experience secure.

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